+23% VAT
Step by step, we guide you through the company registration process, including choosing the legal form, registering with the appropriate offices and obtaining the NIP and REGON numbers.
We help you prepare all the necessary documents, including a business plan, required to register your company and apply for a residence permit.
We offer access to specialist legal and tax advice, which is crucial when starting and running a business in Poland.
We provide professional advice on best practices and strategies for start-ups in Poland.
Yes, but he/she is not entitled to provide JDG services on behalf of his/her Company.
To do this, you must register a company (limited liability company) in Poland, become a member of the management board and submit application documents for a residence permit for business purposes.
No, JDG means running a business in the form of a sole proprietorship (individual enterprise).
Kierownik działu prawnego
Kierownik działu księgowości spółek
Kierownik działu obsługi klienta
Kierownik działu legalizacji cudzoziemców
Kierownik działu księgowości JDG
Dyrektor rozwoju biznesu
Członek zarządu
Prezes zarządu
Kierownik działu sprzedaży