If you need an accountant’s consultation, assistance in obtaining a temporary or permanent residence permit, or legal advice – contact us.
Our specialists will help you set up a sole proprietorship in Poland online at website biznes.gov.pl, discuss the details of running a business in the form of a JDG and the existing taxation systems.
We provide a full range of services for your company’s bookkeeping. You can choose the accounting services you need. We correctly prepare all accounting and tax documents.
We advise you on how to open a business in Poland, choose the most suitable legal form, and go through the entire company registration process with you.
Our lawyers provide full legal support to entrepreneurs – whether opening sole proprietors and companies or dealing with any business-related issues.
We receive and store your letters from government agencies and other contractors related to your business. All correspondence is sent to your virtual office and immediately forwarded to our accounting department.
Together with you we go through the entire process of obtaining a temporary residence permit – from choosing the most suitable basis for legalisation to receiving a residence card. We work in all provinces of Poland.
Siiami provides accounting and legal services to companies and individual entrepreneurs, we relocate companies and employees to Poland, we assist in obtaining permits for temporary residence, permanent residence and citizenship.
Our team started to form in Poland in 2015 – we now provide accounting services to over 1,800 clients, have hundreds of positive decisions on issuing residence cards and around 2,000 registered companies.
Siiami is an accountancy company, we know how to work with documents, but first of all we work with people. We do everything to ensure that working with us brings confidence and peace of mind.
As a law firm, we advise companies on all questions related to running a business in Poland. We help to solve any problems comprehensively and conduct business according to Polish law.
Siiami’s team is made up of the best accountants and lawyers with significant experience of business in Poland. Our employees keep up to date with all changes in legal regulations.
With Siiami you get all your essential business services – no need to contract with multiple companies and waste time on unnecessary communication.
We assign a personal manager for each client to answer common questions about running the business, filing documents and collaborating with accounting.
We enter into a confidentiality agreement with all clients and guarantee full confidentiality of personal and business information.
We offer services to help you run your business with confidence: we help you register your company or open a sole proprietorship, provide accounting services, calculate your taxes and give you legal advice.
We assist at every step of the process of obtaining a temporary or permanent residence permit in Poland – from choosing the basis for submitting documents to issuing a decision and a residence card. We can help you to obtain temporary residence, permanent residence and citizenship.
Make an appointment for a free consultation – we will be happy to help!
Kierownik działu prawnego
Kierownik działu księgowości spółek
Kierownik działu obsługi klienta
Kierownik działu legalizacji cudzoziemców
Kierownik działu księgowości JDG
Dyrektor rozwoju biznesu
Członek zarządu
Prezes zarządu
Kierownik działu sprzedaży